• Stack of documents with binding

    UK Policy Brief: Future-Proofing the UK’s Public Service Media

    We are pleased to release our project’s first country-specific policy brief providing insights from our first year of research into public service media in the UK. The brief draws from our comparative analysis of seven media markets, providing observations and recommendations for the UK case.

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  • Photograph of PSM-AP's industry briefs.

    Policy brief: Towards a Future-Proof Public Service Media? Lessons from a comparative analysis in seven media markets

    Our project’s first policy brief is now available on the SMIT website, or for viewing and download as a pdf below. The brief presents lessons learnt from a comparative analysis of seven media markets. We present findings on public service media and platforms based on analysis of media laws, broadcast contracts and licences, annual reports…

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  • VRT tower and offices

    Knowledge Exchange Workshop 2024 in Brussels

    Last week, on January 26th, 2024, we successfully organised our first Knowledge Exchange Workshop, kindly hosted by the VRT in Brussels. We would like to thank all of our speakers and participants for their valuable contributions and their openness to discussing VoD strategies, research, personalisation practices, and the development of public service algorithms. We’ve learned…

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  • Aarhus workshop

    This June, half of the PSM-AP team enjoyed the Danish sun in Aarhus ☀️🇩🇰 At the invitation of Hanne Bruun and Julie Mejse Münter Lassen, we took part in a workshop entitled Television Publishing Strategies in an On-Demand Driven Media Culture: Content production, audience considerations and scheduling practices. We presented some of our work, including…

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    IAMCR conference presentation on WP1

    Our postdoctoral researcher Catalina-Mihaela Iordache presented preliminary results from the comparative analysis conducted in WP1 at the IAMCR Lyon23 conference. The presentation, titled ‘Public Service Media online: A comparative policy perspective on the shift to digital portals in six countries’, was part of the Public Service Media Working Group. The paper takes a policy perspective…

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  • CHANSE Kick-off Conference

    The CHANSE Kick-off Conference in Tallinn was a success, with our team members Catherine Johnson, Michał Głowacki, Massimo Scaglioni and Julie Mejse Münter Lassen in attendance. The conference, titled ‘Transformations – Social and Cultural Dynamics in the Digital Age’, brought together CHANSE funded project teams from across Europe for a two-day conference, with keynotes, workshops,…

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  • TV displaying Public Service Media digital applications

    Conference on Methods in Cultural Production and Media Industries Research

    This conference explored many of the contemporary challenges to understanding the nature of media and cultural production, focusing on the research process rather than research findings. It looked at how sectoral shifts in the media and cultural industries has introduced new actors – such as platform industries – and new practices – such as new…

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  • CHANCE Kick-off Conference

    We are excited to present our project in the CHANCE kick-off conference, ‘Transformations – Social and Cultural Dynamics in the Digital Age’ taking place in Tallinn, Estonia! We will present an overview of our project on June 2nd, 2023 during the session ‘Public Services in the Digital Age’.

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