A sleek standard issue microphone on a lecturn infront of a conference audience.

Redefining Public Service Media in the age of platforms: values, strategies and organisations

Tuesday 16 September 2025 – Wednesday 17 September 2025

The closing event of the Public Service Media in the Age of Platforms Conference (PSM-AP) marks the conclusion of a three-year collaborative research project. We invite media professionals, scholars, and policymakers to reflect on our findings and the insights gained throughout this journey, while also looking ahead to the future of public service media (PSM) and its implications for various stakeholders.

The conference will focus on the platformisation of public service media and its reinvention, as it adapts to ongoing developments in technology, industry, and politics. We welcome researchers, policymakers, and industry experts to join us in Brussels on 16-17 September 2025 to share insights, present new research, and engage in thoughtful dialogue on key themes that have emerged from the project.

The event will feature keynote addresses, presentations by the project team, debates and panels with media scholars, policymakers and industry stakeholders.

Discussions and presentations on:

  • Is a digital first strategy going against universality? Are PSM organisations sufficiently equipped to prioritise the VOD portal?
  • Is personalisation threatening PSM universality?
  • Commissioning and producing compelling content in the age of streaming.
  • Should public media be active on TikTok and YouTube to reach all audiences?
  • Are policymakers sufficiently accommodating and protecting public media in these transformations?

More information on registration and programme will follow soon.

Contact Information

For questions about the conference or the submission process, please contact:


Project website: https://psm-ap.com/