PSM-AP Contributions to ORF’s Public Value Texte

A new edition of ORF’s Public Value Texte is out, providing a diverse collection of contributions from scholars across Europe. What does the future hold for Public Service Media and how can PSM organisations continue to provide value for their audiences?

In the collection, you can also find valuable contributions from PSM-AP members:

  • Tim Raats on PSM in Belgium: “Preserving and Extending Universality in the Platform Age” (pp. 14–18),
  • Julie Mejse Münter Lassen on the “Danish Public Television in Digital Transition: A Range of Dilemmas” (pp. 37–41),
  • Michal Glowacki on the Polish PSM case: “Public Service, No Deliberation” (pp. 119–122).

The publication, titled The Future of Public Service Media in the European Union, is freely available at