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Article published in Journal of Digital Media & Policy

We are pleased to announce that our journal article Publishing public service media on demand: A comparative study of public service media companies’ editorial practices on their VoD services in the age of platformization is now published in the in the Journal of Digital Media & Policy. The article provides results from our third work-package, including analysis of data collected during our pilot study into VoD prime space in comparison to the prime time of the PSM’s linear channels. It is authored by Hanne Bruun, Catherine Johnson, Julie Münter Lassen, Antonio Nucci, Tim Raats, and Filip Świtkowski.

The article is available in full at https://doi.org/10.1386/jdmp_00167_1

Article Abstract

This article contributes to the emerging empirical research on the editorial practices of video-on-demand (VoD) publishing in European public service media (PSM). It presents results from a comparative study of the editorial practices visible on the VoDs from ten PSM companies across six countries: United Kingdom, Belgium, Poland, Italy, Canada and Denmark. The aim of the article is to map and compare the editorial practices in the ‘prime space’ of the VoD services and the ‘prime time’ of the companies’ main linear channels. The analysis is based on data from a sample week of 13–19 November 2023. The article contributes to research addressing the key issue of universality in terms of content and discusses the conceptualizations of the audience that seem to be at work in the transition towards an online PSM identity.